same old boring monday.....
assembly as usual....but din get to see nula!!!!i miss her sososo much...hmmm
tomorrow must give her a big big hug...>.<
got freaking program...but freaking funn larh....
with the mind power larh...n the breathing method...haha
after school miss my jiee...again....
finally i saw her hehex xD....but was doing french hwk larh...
after finishing....went to give her a big hug ...
~i know u all will be swt~ing...
syg her mah...k~~~~haha
then went for the test....haixxx tembak temak je larh...hope can pass the can d
then went with chiu nic sash jen n missy j to dewan....chiu was like ad here ad there...
i was like thinking"AD WHERE THE HECK R U!!!!come out n see ur dik larh....pretty plsssssss"
hahah jkjkjk
~~~~~~sorry chiu juz jkjk~~~~~~~ hehex xD
then my dad's here then balik lorh...
i guesss>.<
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the end?????????~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Relationship Meter
3 months ago